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35 Gift-Giving Statistics & Facts: 2025 Trends & Data

Discover unexpected gift statistics about how and why we give gifts, including how much we spend.

Welcome to the captivating realm of gift-giving! If you’re interested in the inner workings of the gifting industry, this article is your ultimate guide.

Discover how the art and science of gift-giving are evolving, and unlock a deeper understanding of this timeless practice.

Gain valuable insights into gift-giving statistics and facts, exploring categories such as market size, trends, personalized gifts, and holiday shopping. You’re sure to leave with a better understanding of what drives the gift-giving industry!

Top 10 Gifting Industry Facts

  1. The 2020 global gift card market was worth $767.4 billion and is expected to hit $1.4 trillion by 2026.
  2. Personalized gifts revenue climbed to $25.77 billion in 2022 and could reach $53.08 billion by 2030.
  3. Sixty percent of U.S. holiday shoppers worried they’d be “out-gifted” in 2022, with more than half buying gifts as a “friendly competition”.
  4. In 2019, U.S. consumers who were also pet owners had a 50/50 likelihood of purchasing gifts for their pets.
  5. A 2016 report said the music merchandise gift market was worth $3.1 billion worldwide, up from $2.83 billion in 2015.
  6. In 2019, women in the U.S. gave gifts to 9.44 recipients per year vs. 6.67 recipients for men.
  7. Online gift sales worldwide went up 63% during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  8. Valentine’s Day spending in the U.S. hit $26 billion in 2023, up $2 billion from 2022.
  9. A 2019 Vistaprint study revealed 55% of consumers would keep a personalized gift longer than a traditional one.
  10. In 2019, 46% of Gen Z used social media to find ideas for the perfect gift.

35 Gift-Giving Statistics and Facts

Dive into the most important gift-giving information that covers predictions for the infamous holiday rush.

Gifting Industry Market Size

These nine facts are a good introduction to the current stats of the gifting industry.

1. Worldwide Projections

In 2019, the global gift market was worth $62 billion and is projected to grow by 2% yearly. Within that amount, gift basket values were worth $3.5 billion in the U.S. alone (1). Whether gift baskets, corporate, or personalized gifts, the market is growing rapidly as the years go by.

2. Global Spending

Globally speaking, the U.S. and UK spent over $1,173 on average annually on holiday gifts in 2022. Australia and Canada spent less than $926, while France, Singapore, Germany, and Spain came in third with about $432 (2).

3. Gift Cards

Gift cards are becoming the preferred way to give presents with ease and peace of mind. In 2020, the global gift card market was worth $767.4 billion. The global gift card industry is projected to reach $1.4 trillion in 2026.

4. Retail Sales

Seasonal holiday sales in November-December of 2021 increased by 14.1% from 2020 to reach $886.7 billion. This revenue includes both online and non-store sales, which went up 11.3% to reach $218.9 billion (3).

5. Sporting Goods

The sporting goods market was valued at $27.63 billion in 2015 and is expected to climb to $48.17 billion by 2024. This increase is at a CAGR of 6.4% between 2016 and 2024 (4). Sporting goods are often a thoughtful gift for the men in the family, especially dads.

6. With the Band

A 2016 report showed the music merchandise market size had a value of $3.1 billion worldwide, increasing by 9.4% from 2015’s $2.83 billion. T-shirts, hats, and other music-focused fan gear have been and should continue to be a substantial part of the international gift industry.

7. All About the Food

Both consumer and corporate food gift sales hit $33 billion in 2021. Forty-six percent of those consumers bought food gift baskets for others during the year, which can include anything from meats and international delicacies to baked goods and chocolates (5).

8. The Graduate

A 2022 survey revealed 33% of people bought a gift for a high school or college graduation. The total consumer spend was $5.8 billion, with cash still the top gift (6).

9. Corporate Giving

Forbes reported that the global corporate gifting market was worth $125 billion in 2018. This number jumped to $217 billion in 2019. It’s estimated at $242 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $3 billion in the coming two years (7).

Gift-Giving Trends

Better understand where the gift market is headed in the future with these often surprising predictions.

10. Online vs. Stores

In 2022, a survey showed more than 20% of U.S. consumers were inspired by social media when buying gifts. However, when it comes to in-store shopping, 56% headed for Walmart, while Target earned 29% of the group. Inflation was stated as an important factor in the gift-buying process in 2022 (8).

11. Online Trends

Global online gift sales increased by 63% during the Covid-19 pandemic, proving that nothing can slow down gift giving (9). The ease of online purchasing allowed people to feel a sense of normalcy during this time, which has stayed with them since.

12. Flower Gifts

The floral gift market’s worth reached $11.91 billion in 2021. It’s projected to hit $17 billion by 2027 (10). Flower gifts are often a top choice for wedding anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and sometimes birthdays.

13. Men vs. Women

Gifting industry facts also break down gifting habits by gender. In 2019, U.S. women were reported to give gifts to an average of 9.44 recipients per year, while men presented gifts to only 6.67 recipients.

14. Furry Friends

Pets figure prominently in many U.S. consumer gift-giving statistics. There was a 50/50 chance that consumers with pets polled in 2019 would buy a gift for a pet.

15. Gifts on Average

The same 2019 survey stated that consumers gave gifts to just over eight recipients on average. Only 8% weren’t planning to buy gifts for anyone, so friends might not always be a gifting priority (11).

16. Generational Gifts

In 2021, baby boomers gave gifts to an average of 7.57 people, while Gen X had 8.65 recipients and millennials had 8.31. Gen Z’s young age didn’t account for substantial gift-giving numbers, but they still have room to grow (12).

17. Location is Everything

Where people live in the U.S. might have something to do with their gift-buying habits. Midwesterners buy gifts for an average of 9.04 recipients, more than Southerners at 8.50 recipients. The U.S. Northeast comes in third place, with 7.51 recipients and the West last at 7.03 (13).

18. Getting Social

Forty-six percent of Gen Z used social media, including Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Facebook, to inspire their search for the perfect gift in 2019. Whatever way you get creative, social media has many options to help you find the right kind of gifts, no matter your age.

Personalized Gift Industry

Ever wonder what makes the world of personalized gifts special? These stats will get you in the know of all things personal and customized.

19. Personalized Gift Market

Gift-giving statistics and facts reveal that the personalized gift market reached $25.77 billion in 2022. It’s projected to hit $53.08 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 9.69% between 2023 and 2030.

20. The Personal Factor

Eighty-five percent of U.S. consumers said that personalization was the most important factor in buying gifts in 2022 (14). Personalized means a particular kind of customization, including names, initials, or a personal photo.

21. Handmade

A survey on Etsy stated that online searches for personalized or custom-made gifts increased by 156% in 2022 as opposed to 2021 (15). Etsy is known for handmade gifts made by small businesses and artisans that ultimately feel more personal to both buyer and recipient.

22. Search Words

In 2022, searches for personalized Valentine’s Gifts online increased by 170%. “Personalized letter from Santa” and “personalized Christmas ornament” were both also more popular online searches, increasing by 75% from 2021 (16).

23. Personalized Trends

On Etsy, the words “personalized gift” took the top spot in search keywords in 2020. Searches including “personalize” or “custom” increased that year by 43%. In 2021, 24% of Etsy consumers wanted to find a “personalized” or “customized” gift (17).

24. To Keep

It turns out it’s harder to get rid of a gift when it’s made with you in mind. A Vistaprint study in 2019 showed 55% of consumers would keep a personalized gift longer than a non-personalized one. Forty percent said they’d keep the gift forever or at least over a year.

25. Share the Love

In the same study, 58% of people claimed they’d be more inclined to spread the news about a personalized gift than a traditional one (18). It allows others to have the same opportunity to get their own customized version of the gift that keeps on giving.

26. Millennials and Gen Z Get Personal

Statistics from 2022 explain that 58% of both millennials and Gen Z gift buyers (ages 13 to 39) prefer personal gifts to generic ones. Seventy-seven percent would prefer an inexpensive gift with personal meaning over one that costs more (19).

27. Mobile Searches

A survey done by Google revealed that mobile searches for personalized gifts grew by 60% from 2016 to 2018 (20). Not only are people looking for customized gifts online, but they are also using smartphones to find them as quickly as possible.

Holiday Gifting Facts

Uncover intriguing holiday gifting facts that shed light on trends, preferences, and spending patterns during the festive season.

28. How Many Gifts

In 2021, the average Christmas shopper bought gifts for just over eight recipients. Thirty-nine percent of consumers bought presents for one to five people, while 32% bought for six to 10 recipients. Only 19% of consumers planned on buying gifts for more than 10 people for the holidays (21).

29. Holiday Budget

The typical American holiday budget in 2021 was $708.03, which takes into account gifts, travel, and food costs (22). Depending on the number of gifts bought each season and how much the travel and food costs are, holidays can get expensive.

30. Budget-Less

Keeping to a holiday budget can be difficult at times. Seventy percent of Americans in 2021 said they spent too much during the season. Forty-eight percent wanted to make up for missed celebrations due to the Covid-19 pandemic (23). The importance of a sustainable budget shouldn’t be underestimated.

31. Gift Wrapping

Research showed that 52% of American consumers in 2021 felt gift-wrapping was the worst part of holiday shopping. A close 51% would hire a professional gift wrapper to avoid doing the deed themselves. Among the most difficult gifts to wrap were bicycles, gym equipment, and guitars (24).

32. Out-Gifted

In 2022, 60% of U.S. consumers were concerned about being “out-gifted.” Over half found gift-giving a “friendly competition.” One-fifth thought they were the best gifter in the family (other than their mom). Hopefully, buying gifts too rashly won’t cause a longer line in the gift exchange.

33. Post-Pandemic

In 2022, online shoppers spent $211.7 billion, which increased by 3.5% from 2021 (25). Post-pandemic shopping may have sped up the trends to shop online, initially because of Covid-19 restrictions. Ultimately, the ease of online shopping seems to be winning out.

34. Global Holiday Spending

In 2021, the U.K. and the U.S. both ended up spending nearly $1,200 per year on holiday gifts. Behind them, Australia and Canada spend just under $930 on seasonal gifts (26).

35. Valentine’s Day

U.S. consumer spending for Valentine’s Day in 2023 climbed to $26 billion, up $2 billion since 2022. Spending per household reached $193, $18 more than the $175 spent in 2022. It seems as if Valentine’s Day spending, no matter what the retailer is, has matched pre-pandemic levels.


What are the Benefits of Gift-Giving?

Giving gifts is not only a treat to the recipient but also benefits the buyer. Studies show that giving gifts can lower blood pressure, increase chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, and improve self-confidence. When you are able to think about and purchase gifts for someone you care for, you can’t help but feel good about it (27).

Why is Gifting So Difficult?

Giving gifts can often be frustrating and difficult for people. They become obsessed with the perfect gift and may not purchase the right one for the receiver themselves. Other factors make gift-giving stressful, like running out of time to buy and the money you spend. An important thing to consider is to think about the person more than what you think they’d want most.

Why Can’t Some People Accept Gifts?

Believe it or not, receiving a gift is not as easy as it looks. We are taught not to be self-centered, so sometimes, getting gifts brings up difficult issues for some. Everything from a fear of intimacy to loss of control and a fear that we have to reciprocate can get in the way. It’s best to relax, say thank you, and enjoy the kindness the gift giver is offering to you (28).

Is It Rude to Give a Gift Back?

When a gift comes with a receipt, it’s expected that the gift giver may not have understood what you wanted most. In this case, getting a refund or exchange for something you feel you can’t use is perfectly fine. If no receipt is present, it’s best not to give the gift back to the giver, since this goes against the idea “it’s the thought that counts” (29).

What Does the Bible Say About Giving Gifts at Christmas?

The Bible is full of inspiring words about the power of generosity. To share is one of the most treasured Christian ideals. A quote from the Bible Acts 20:35 reads, “To give is better than to receive,” which should encourage you to give to those you love at Christmas and any time of year (30).

Headshot of Maryana Vestic

About the Author

Maryana Vestic

Maryana Vestic is a Brooklyn-based writer, editor, and food photographer with a background in entertainment Business Affairs. She studied film at NYU, Irish Theatre Studies at Trinity College Dublin, and has an MFA in Creative Writing Nonfiction from The New School. She loves cooking, baking, hiking, and horror films, as well as running a local baking business in Brooklyn with her boyfriend.